So you want to be a contributor to The Inspiration Lab’s blog. That’s awesome! We’re excited to work with you to share your message. To ensure your voice fits what we’re looking for, we require contributors to abide by a few guidelines.

Blog posts should be no longer than three pages.
Blog posts must fit The Inspiration Lab’s brand: We are a supportive community where women can learn from and be inspired by one another.
Contributors should submit a high-quality professional photo of themselves to accompany their text. Additional photos or designs may be submitted provided you are the copyright holder and grant us permission to publish them.
The Inspiration Lab has sole editorial discretion. All blog posts submitted for publication will be edited for clarity, accuracy, and legalities.
Blog posts must be original content. Text previously published elsewhere, even in part, will not be accepted.
Blog posts should not serve as promotional pieces for a business or product. A contributor can only mention their company in their introductory bio to establish credibility and authority.

What to do next
Sign up to be added to our list for potential guest blogs. We'll email topics needing writers and you can send us a draft! If you already have an idea for a blog post, email directly and we'll evaluate the topic and, if accepted, set a deadline for submission. We look forward to working with you!